What we believe

Loving God, loving others and sharing the good news of Jesus.

We believe:

  • in one God who reveals himself in the persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • that God has spoken through the Bible, which as originally given, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It is the supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour.

  • that Jesus God's only Son died for our sins, before rising from the dead, is alive today and will return.

  • that all people need to repent and trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness and seek to obey him in daily life.

  • that God has called us to share our faith with this world and to meet together as a family to listen to his word, praise him and encourage one another.

We don't claim to be anything other than ordinary people from all walks of life bound together in the service of the living Lord Jesus.


St Botolph's Church is:

  • a Church of England church upholding orthodox Anglican beliefs subscribing to the historical creeds which speak of our belief in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
  • a partner church of Church Society, an evangelical Anglican charity established to promote and uphold the biblical foundations of the Church of England as expressed in the Church's formularies: The 39 Articles of Religion, The Prayer Book and the Ordinal. 


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