
Brief summary of our Mission strategy

At the heart of Christian theology and belief lies the truth that God reveals himself and sends. Primarily He sent His one and only Son into the world to be its Saviour and in turn the Lord Jesus, through God the Father, sent His Holy Spirit to be His executive agent in the church that Jesus founded. The Trinity commands all disciples to go into the world and make disciples of allnations, preaching the Gospel. 

World mission, therefore, is absolutely central to the life of the church. Mission could be summed up in many ways, but one very useful definition would be, "Taking God's word to God's world in word and deed".

Obviously, one local church can't literally go into all the world, so in our interest, prayer support and financial giving we, therefore, have to be selective. This webpage gives an outline of how St Botolph's Church, Barton Seagrave has made its selection. 

St Botolph's Church takes seriously the task of supporting the work of both overseas and home missions. Its budget for this is reviewed annually by the Missions Committee, which makes its recommendations to the PCC, which has the ultimate responsibility for finance within the Church. The amount allocated for mission support is at least 10% of the income of the church, a sum which is felt to be honouring to God.







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