Our Mission strategy
At the heart of Christian theology and belief lies the truth that God reveals himself and sends. Primarily He sent His one and only Son into the world to be its Saviour and in turn the Lord Jesus, through God the Father, sent His Holy Spirit to be His executive agent in the church that Jesus founded. The Trinity commands all disciples to go into the world and make disciples of allnations, preaching the Gospel.
World mission, therefore, is absolutely central to the life of the church. Mission could be summed up in many ways, but one very useful definition would be, "Taking God's word to God's world in word and deed".
Obviously, one local church can't literally go into all the world, so in our interest, prayer support and financial giving we, therefore, have to be selective. This webpage gives an outline of how St Botolph's Church, Barton Seagrave has made its selection.
St Botolph's Church takes seriously the task of supporting the work of both overseas and home missions. Its budget for this is reviewed annually by the Missions Committee, which makes its recommendations to the PCC, which has the ultimate responsibility for finance within the Church. The amount allocated for mission support is at least 10% of the income of the church, a sum which is felt to be honouring to God.
Annual Missionary Shareplan
This is an annual scheme whereby individuals can, if they so wish, contribute towards a financial gift to one of our Link Workers. The intention is that this is a love-gift to the Link Workers personally (rather than their sponsoring organisation), for them to use as they see fit, to help them with either their domestic lives or their ministry. It is a tangible way of saying to them, “We are right behind you in your work”.
The Missionary Shareplan scheme works by individuals committing themselves to purchasing one or more “shares”, each share being £1 per month for one year. After that, the commitment ceases unless the individual wishes to renew it for the following year.
Each year the gift is sent to one or other of our Link Workers, in rotation.
Please see below for full details of the 2025 Missionary Shareplan
Missions Supported
In order to be able to give a worthwhile sum to each of the missions supported, it was agreed some years ago to divide the total sum into six equal "pots". One each of five pots is allocated to the five major missions which the church supports, with the remaining pot kept for smaller donations and one-off appeals, including requests for support for training in evangelism/preaching/mission from people within our own fellowship.
- CMJ (Church's Ministry along Jewish people)
- Scripture Union
- Crosslinks
- Transform Europe Network (formerly Eurovangelism )
- OMF International
This list represents support of missions to widely different parts of the world.
We recognise that missionary interest and support is immensely enhanced if it can be done through personal links with individuals working with the missions concerned. St Botolph's Church has such personal links with workers from each of the missions above.
In addition to this planned giving from central resources, individuals in the fellowship support such missions as they feel led to, and an Annual Missionary Shareplan scheme operates to make love-gift to one or other of our Link Workers (in rotation).
Please use the links below for details of all missions supported:
Transform Europe Now | Scripture Union | OMF International | Crosslinks | CMJ (Church's Ministry amongst Jewish People)