Promise Land
Sundays, during the 10am service
Church House
'God promised this Good News long ago through his prophets in the Bible.
The Good News is about his son, Jesus. (Romans 1:2-3)
Promise Land is the name of our children's programme on Sunday mornings encompassing 4 different age groups.
Children start in church with their parents/carers for the first 20 minutes of the 10.00am service. There is a children's focus slot and children’s song, after which they go over to Church House to join their groups. The children are then brought back into church at the end of the service.
There is a supervised crèche in Church House during the 10.00am service for children 1yr+ (children under one must have a parent/carer with them). A livestream feed of the service is available for parents and carers.

0-3 years
3 years - Reception
School years 1 - 3
School years 4 - 6

Helen Tilney
Helen is our Children & Families Worker and will be happy to help with any questions you may have regarding children's groups and activities at St Bot's.
St Bot's Tots
Our baby, toddler and pre-schooler group meets each Tuesday during school term time from 9:30am – 11:00am. Come and join us!