Church Life
Ways to get involved with church life

Ways that you can connect to the life of the Church
Here at St Botolph's we want to enable people to connect with each other and with God. And the best way we can do that is through the various different groups that take place throughout the week. If you have decided that St Botolph's is the church for you, we encourage to get involved! There are groups for all ages and stages: home groups, prayer groups, groups and events for men and women and children and youth activities.
Take a look below at the various groups and activities taking place.
Mondays 9.30am
Refresh - mum's group
Tuesdays 9.30am
St Bot's Tots - baby & toddler group
1st Tuesday 7.30pm
Church Meets - prayer group
2nd & 4th Tuesday 7.30pm
Home Groups - bible study & prayer
Thursdays 11.00am
Midweek Ministry Service
2nd Saturday 9.00am
Who Let the Dad's Out - dads and children
3rd Saturday 9.30am
Saturday Hour of Prayer - prayer group