Our baby, toddler and pre-schooler group meets each Tuesday during school term time from 9:30am – 11:00am for Session One and for the shorter Session Two, between 11:15am – 12:15pm. Please note that there will be fewer spaces available at Session Two.
Please book your child(ren)’s space on the session you would like to attend (please book onto only one of the two available sessions each week).
Online bookings for each session becomes available one week in advance at 1pm.
The cost for Session One is £1.50 per child and for the shorter Session Two it is £1 per child.
Payment is made securely online by debit or credit card.
- If for any reason you are unable to attend the session, please cancel your place online. Refunds can be made on request for cancellations.
Please be considerate when parking around Church House, particularly as one group leaves and the other arrives.
Use the links below to book your spaces and please remember to cancel your space should you be unable to attend.
We would love to see you at our Sunday morning service which starts at 10am in the church building. A creche is available during the service for very young children and babies. We also have a Monday morning Bible study group called Refresh for mums and their pre-schoolers. More info can be found here.
Please book your spaces in advance of each session by clicking the links below ensuring you select the correct timed session that you wish to book.